Perspectives on Communication

Tom has written extensively on the challenges and opportunities that abound when sharing your story through media and public speaking.
Here is a selection:  

Shaping a Post COVID-19 Narrative

The current global health situation may seem insurmountable, but at some point it will change. Right now, the story can shift almost hourly and companies are working hard to respond. But, what will that story look like on the other side of the pandemic? It won’t be...

Put on a Happy Face

Before the emoji there was the facial expression. And while there’s no denying the emoji is on trend with the global obsession over social media, the facial expression still ranks as the most powerful tool on the planet to convey ideas and emotions and connect a...

Putting the Talking Head to Bed

We hear predictions that social media will completely replace traditional broadcast news as the primary channel to reach important audiences. There may be some truth to that. Each day, social media and digital content wiggle their way further into every corner of our...

Move from Storytelling to Authorship

The word “storytelling” is all the rage in the communications world. We’ve abandoned the time-honored tradition of “messaging” and switched to swapping stories with each other. The notion is simple. The public has rejected artificial messaging. They crave authentic...